
These are sauerkraut turnovers from Moldova, known as Verzere, with thin and crispy pastry and plenty of delicious filling. This dish is quite simple and easy to make.

Ingredients for the pastry:

1/2 cup sunflower oil
1/2 cup water
2 cups strong white bread flour
a pinch of salt

For the filling:

1 cup sauerkraut (preferably vinegar-free)
200 g green cabbage, finely shredded
25 g dried mushrooms of your choice
season to taste

1 egg yolk for brushing


To make the pastry, in a large bowl combine water, oil and salt.

Gradually add the flour and knead into a soft dough.

Cover and set aside for 20-25 minutes.

To make the filling, boil 250 ml water and pour over the mushrooms to soak.

Heat some oil in a deep frying pan or wok. Fry the sauerkraut for 10 minutes until slightly golden.

Add the cabbage and cook, stirring, for 10-15 minutes until tender and reduced by half.

Drain the softened mushrooms, chop finely and add to the pan.

Adjust the seasoning and leave to cool completely.

When ready to assemble, preheat oven to 200 C (fan 180 C).

Divide the dough into 7 pieces, and roll each thinly into a rectangular.

Place 1/7 of the filling along the centre of the pastry, then fold the shorter sides towards each other.

Roll the pastry firmly from one side to another, leaving the last edge at the bottom. Make sure the filling is sealed well.

Arrange the turnovers on a lined baking tray and brush with the egg yolk.

Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden.

Serve warm and enjoy!

Bon Appetit!

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